Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Not What I Had In Mind

So yesterday, upon hearing that pixies had stolen my bed, Rabbit laughed and said she'd "fix it".

I guess it's my fault for just assuming what "fix it" meant, but somehow, in my mind, I had the image of my girl kicking some serious pixie butt. I thought "fix it" would mean my bed would be back after I got home from a long day of school.

But no.

Though, I shouldn't complain. At least I have a place to sleep. And it is kind of comfortable.

I just hadn't realized Rabbit's version of "fix it" meant I would end up camping in my room, with Voltaire.


Kumo told me that, in her letter to Santa, she pointed out that I really need a new bed.

What does it say about my life that rather than immediately thinking "You still write a letter to Santa?" my first thought was "Golly, I hope he gets it!" (shaking head)

So anyway, back to the tent. Back to roughing it.

Well... actually, back to eating the s'mores Rabbit made for Voltaire and I. She said it just wouldn't be camping without s'mores. Can't argue with that. :)

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