Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Color of a Rabbit in Winter

I admit it, I am not the most observant of bunnies.

I had been working with Rabbit, in the office for most of the evening, without noticing anything had changed.

Until, at one point, when I turned around (which I had done several times already) I noticed.

But I couldn't quite believe my eyes. I took my glasses off, thinking that maybe it was glare off my lenses.

Rabbit, being the much more observant of the two of us, immediately noticed that I was staring at her and turned around. She gave me a great big smile and said, in the sweetest voice, "Don't you like it?"

I may be an unobservant bunny, but I like to think I am not a DUMB bunny, and this is a potentially deadly question. Questions relating to feminie hair attractiveness fall just beneath questions concerning weight and clothing, in terms of male fatalities related to them each year.

The blonde hair is really cute on her, I just wasn't expecting it. And I told her so. This seemed to be the right answer, because she just smiled some more, and patted me on the head.

"Don't you know that Rabbits change color for the winter?"

Perhaps I was wrong in previously asserting that I am not a dumb bunny, because before I could stop it, I had blurted out. "No they don't. I'm a rabbit, and I don't change for the winter."

Lucky for me, my girl is as good natured as I am apparently dumb. She gave me a sweet smile and said "Well, the RABBIT doesn't change color, but the HARE(hair) does."

I'm a lucky bunny with a sweet girlfriend.

A sweet BLONDE girlfriend. :)

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