Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Going to Comic Con!!!

So I'm packing for Comic Con.

We leave in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, so we thought it might be better to get things packed and ready to go now.

And I'm packing Tycho's comic book shirts. He loaned them to me. Poor guy. I feel bad for him. See, last night, after taking Voltaire for her walk, when I got inside, Wendy told me I was going to the con, though she didn't say why. I already kind of had my suspicions after Tycho was so upset being at the movie theater.

(*cue flashback music*)

Kumo was less than thrilled to hear that I was getting to go to a convention and she hadn't been invited. She seemed to feel better after I told her I was going to need someone to look after Voltaire, but she made me promise that there were no ninjas there. So if there are ninjas at Comic Con, please don't tell my sister.

Anyway, as I was packing up books to take with me (Kirkachu said there's a lot of sitting around waiting in lines, and he and Wendy are both bringing books too), Tycho came by.

He had an armload of t-shirts and asked if he could talk to me a minute about the convention and stuff. I told him "of course" and to make himself at home.

Tycho told me that Shirley had diagnosed him with Enochlophobia - fear of crowds. She said it probably stemmed from not enough socialization as a puppy, and that there was just no way he would be able to handle going to a place with 100,000 people. So he said he was glad that Wendy had a backup companion to go with her, since he couldn't.

He brought me his comic book t-shirts so I could wear them at the convention. It was a really nice gesture, and I guess that made it feel like some part of him was going to the convention too.

I felt really bad for the guy. And I asked him if there was anything I could bring back for him. Anything I could do.

He told me there was a set of Green Lantern figures he really, really wanted. Only available at the convention.

And I told him that it was no problem. I'd find him a set. That seemed to make him feel a whole lot better. Poor guy.

So, I'm going to Comic Con with Wendy and Kirkachu, and with a mission for my friend who can't go. I'm going to have to ask Kirkachu about where to find those figures when we get there. He knows all about that stuff.

And now I'm all packed and ready to go!

See you at the convention! I am out of here!

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