Monday, August 6, 2007

Gage's Pacific Northwest Adventure - Pt 9

We woke to a rainy, Washington morning. Miranda said she was shocked at how much louder the rain in Washington was than the rain in Colorado. Yeah. So then we were off to the doll meetup.

I don't know why Wendy wanted to go. I don't know why Miranda wanted to go. _I_ have never gone to one of the Colorado BJD meetups, though Kumo has, and ... well, I'm not a huge doll fan, really. But the people seemed nice enough.

The dolls were mostly a quiet bunch, and we didn't talk to very many of them. Something about the whole situation seemed to bug Miranda. She kept pulling my fur. I think it may be just as a very wise rabbit once said...

"The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land."

Some of the things we'd seen seemed pretty darn foreign, but I think they guaranteed that when we got home, the dolls we lived with would look different to us. Much more ordinary, which is a rather foreign idea once you meet some of them.

The meetup was fun, food was yummy. It was a laid back and easy day. Checking e-mail, hanging out. And then we went off to dinner at McMenamins.

Miranda and I were both in a strangely subdued mood, and still full of snacks from the meetup. Everything and nothing sounded good.

I sipped my diet Coke, while Miranda just stared out the window, watching the rain on the river, and the boats come and go.

Neither one of us was feeling particularly touristy, and so I asked her if there was anything she felt like doing, and the two of us, Wendy and LadyDragonfly all decided to go home and watch a movie.

There are no pictures of this next part. Well, not pictures I could post and survive to tell you about.

We watched "Pan's Labyrinth" which I won't tell you about and ruin, except to say that you should watch it for yourself and that it was a great movie. But apparently a great movie that reduces women to tears.

Wendy cried her eyes out. Miranda was right behind her, and they sat snuggling each other and crying. LadyDragonfly got all misty too. And me... well, I think I might have some mold allergies, and as you know, the Pacific Northwest is full of mold and stuff. So I'm pretty sure that's why my eyes got all watery.

Darn mold allergies.

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