Saturday, August 25, 2007

Gage's Pacific Northwest Adventure - Pt 11

LadyDragonfly said the best view of the ocean was in Oregon, not Washington, so off we went to beautiful Seaside Oregon.

So we drove.

And we drove.

And we drove. (Miranda: "Are we there yet?" tapping on GPS system in car)

And listened to some tunes in the car... while we drove. And before we even got to the ocean, we saw something that had a very strange effect on Miranda.

Miranda is not known for being a particular morose Pixie, but something about the "wounded giant" seemed to make her very, very sad.

He is the largest Sitka Spruce in the United States. The oldest tree in Oregon and most like the oldest living THING in Oregon. They estimate that he is over 500 years old.

But a little more than 50 years ago, he as struck by lightning which caused a spiral wound, opening up the tree to disease and bacteria. He's a very, very sick tree.

Miranda got very quiet as we left the site of the tree... though I thought I heard her sniffle a bit. I don't know why it upset her so. I thought that her sadness over the tree was the reason when she said she didn't really want to go very close to the ocean... but that was not the case at all...

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