Monday, September 18, 2006

The Name for my Pain

I finally caught her name. That strange little girl who showed up at Spiritways on Saturday, the one that I saw at the yard sale. Her name is Miranda.

And she's living in my basement.

No, I'm not kidding. I wish I were kidding.

I've been hearing quiet piano music off and on for over a week. I figured it was just Kumo playing the radio or something. But this evening, when I got home from taking my physiology final, Kumo wasn't home, and I could still hear faint strains of piano. So I started looking around, thinking maybe she'd just left a radio on.

As I got closer to the basement, the piano music got louder. I wandered down and THIS is what I found.

(click the picture to make it bigger, you have got to see this)

She's got a whole apartment down there!!!

I said, in my calmest, most eloquent manner:


"My livingroom" she replied, with a smile.

About that time, I heard Kumo come home. So I wandered back upstairs, still a little shocked, looking for sympathy. But that was not what I got. Our conversation went like this:

Me - "You're not going to believe what's in our basement."

Kumo -"Oh, you mean Miranda? She's GREAT!"

Me - ...... (blinking) "You KNEW she was down there?"

Kumo - "Well YEAH, didn't you hear the piano music? She's been there all week. Isn't she GREAT! She plays the best Tori Amos stuff. Oh! And she knows Journey songs too! Don't you love Journey? You should ask her to play you something!"

Me - "You KNEW she was living in our basement?"

Kumo - "Yeah! It's really nice of you too. You're a pretty cool brother sometimes."

Me - "It wasn't really my idea."

Kumo - "You're cute not to take credit. She said she met you at that yard sale, and said she was homeless and you said you had a big house with lots of space. It'll be cool having a roommate, hu?"

Me - ......

So, apparently I've done this to myself, though I'm still not really sure how.

Good thing I like piano music, I guess. And she just started playing "Open Arms", just for me. That's lovely.

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