Thursday, September 14, 2006

Lazy Day at Home

I have a paper to write for physiology (which is due tomorrow!), but that's about it in the homework department. I haven't felt much like going anywhere, and I haven't even been inspired to take any pictures. It's THAT lazy of a day.

Ivy came over about 3:30 and Kumo and I helped her out with her birdwatching project.

Her assignment was to watch a birdfeeder for half an hour and count how many birds came, and look up what kinds of birds they were. So we hung out on the kitchen counter and watched the house finches at the window feeder. The wind got really bad and it started to rain, so we gave up (and I don't think she saw nearly as many birds as she might have without a rainstorm coming on). As we were leaving, out the window I spotted a little white horse with black spots on it running around the garden, trying to keep from getting wet.

I've seen wild stuffie horses around here before, but not a white one, I don't think. It was like the one I saw Saturday, at Karen's house. Who knew they were so common?

Anyway, now we're back to kicking back around the house, doing not much. It's just a lazy day at home.

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