Saturday, February 17, 2007

Gamer Bunny at Genghis Con - Pt 2

Day two of Genghis Con, which was really good, and sort of bad, but mostly all around good.

Anyway, Wendy was mostly right. I really didn't do a lot of work today, but Wendy and Tom seemed to have it covered, so I don't feel TOO bad. I did help with the Snuffles King, though.

Once His Majesty, the Snuffles High Priest (He's also the King of the Snuffles) got fitted for his armor, I helped him settle in. Strangely enough, he decided that he looked SO good in his armor that he wanted to sit on the table itself and show the world.

He was a fine advertisement for beautiful chain mail, that's for sure. And a lot of people wanted to take HIM home! I think he liked the attention, personally. I know he's got the whole Snuffles Coven and all, but I think it's probably different when strangers think you're cool.

Yesterday, Elizabeth wasn't around too much. But today... she was hanging around behind the table for most of the day. I kept catching little glimpses of her...

... talking to people about Rezolution and stuff. But I was too shy to buy the game from her. I don't know why. But I waited until she had wandered off and bought a whole boatload of Rezolution stuff from Simon.

I took him up on the Convention special...

And he talked me into another couple of armies so that more people could play. I think I have the Snuffles King interested, and I have a feeling that Kumo is going to be ALL over playing the APAC enforcers...

I handed over my hard earned bunny cash, and took back to the booth a bunch of awesome gaming supplies!

And immediately proved Wendy's prediction, and was indeed worthless in terms of customer service, hanging out instead in the back of the booth, reading the book. But what Wendy doesn't know is that she is going to LOVE this game, and that really, I'm helping HER by learning it so well so quickly so I can teach HER to play. Yeah!

I did occasionally look up from my reading to see what Elizabeth was doing. I've just found myself really enchanted by her. She's such a sweetie. She seems like such a gentle spirit.

I found myself with butterflies in my stomach over talking to a GIRL for the first time in a LONG time.

But I finally got up the nerve to say "Hi" and chat with her again. She was very nice, and seemed happy to see me again. We talked for quite a while, and I got to learn all kinds of things about her. She's a vegetarian, and she's super sweet. She love to travel, and stuff. But when I finally got up the nerve to ask her if she'd like to have dinner sometime, well... she broke it to me really gently.

She said that even though she thought I was quite nice, she doesn't date guys shorter than her, and that several FEET shorter than her was really a disadvantage. Well, and she prefers guys with opposable thumbs. And that with her traveling and everything, well... it just wouldn't work out. But she was really nice about it, and it didn't hurt like I thought it would. I went back to the booth and read the book some more, and still found myself smiling when I'd catch a glimpse of her.

I'll get to see her again tomorrow, and then she'll be gone. But I'll be glad to have had the chance to meet her.

And once the convention is over, and Elizabeth and Simon have gone away, I'm going to stomp the ever lovin' snot out of Kumo, and Wendy and the Snuffles King in this game. Oh yeah!

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