Sunday, March 4, 2007

Girls Bonding Over Japanese Things


This evening, when Wendy got home from her class, I finally discovered where Kumo's been.

Turns out she's been spending all of her time hanging out with Wendy. Apparently they both sit around and watch videos on Wendy's laptop.

Kumo told me that they've both fallen deeply in love with a Japanese band called Buck-Tick. And though neither one of them speak any Japanese, it doesn't matter because "the beauty of their music transcends all language!"

Um, okay.

The girls have also been bonding over Asian Ball Jointed Dolls. Wendy recently got one in the mail that needed to be washed and restrung, and Kumo has been helping out.

And now Kumo wants an Asian Ball Jointed Doll of her own.

Problem being, 99% of the dolls in the Treehouse don't actually know they're dolls. Rabbit knows that she's a doll, but I think she's the only one. The rest believe they really ARE the characters that Wendy has made them.

It isn't all that uncommon, and I've seen it happen to stuffies too (Kumo and I have a friend who SWEARS that he the real "Elmo". He's tough to have dinner with. Honestly, you can only hear a guy giggle so much, you know?)

Miranda once knew she was a doll. Pixies don't sell themselves at yard sales. But now... it's like she's completely forgotten. The story becomes real the more it's told. And as with a sleepwalker, it can be dangerous to the health of the stuffie or doll to "wake" them

So I don't know if Kumo will be getting one of these dolls or not.

But in the meantime, both girls are planning on learning Japanese, and seem content to surf the web for videos and Ball Jointed Doll websites.


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