Sunday, April 22, 2007

Doll of the Ninja

Yesterday, UPS brought Kumo a box. I don't think she'd gotten a chance to get into it until today. I heard her talking and cooing like you would to a baby, and had to check it out.

Kumo told me that after hearing about Wendy's plan to make an Atsushi Sakurai doll, she was inspired to make a doll of her all time favorite ninja. She sounded super excited and I know she's been wanting a ball jointed doll for a while. I asked if I could take a look and like any proud mom she turned the little dolly in his box so I could see him better.

Upon seeing the doll, I was a bit confused, and I asked (what I thought) was a perfectly legitimate question.

"Harpo Marx was a ninja?"

Kumo apparently did not see the legitimacy of my question.

Because, honestly, I don't think this is the legitimate way to use a towel rack, either.

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