Thursday, July 20, 2006

Massage School Update

I love Thursdays. I get to sleep in, catch up on my e-mail, and blog. It's a nice day off.

School is going GREAT! I'm learning so much! It's been a very, VERY busy week. In palpation, we learned about the muscles of the scapula and the shoulder girdle.

I adore my teacher, even though I'm not sure how she feels about having a rabbit in her classroom. I've met lots of nice people, who have no problems studying with a rabbit, like Nicole who I studied with last Sunday.

For my massage class, I have to do massages in the school lab and then write up what I learned from them, what kind of massage I did, how would I change things for the client, etc.

So I got my lab space all ready.

And my first victim volunteer was my little sister, Kumo.

Being a ninja and all, Kumo is quite a tense bunny. But she said her back felt a million times better when I was all done, and she wants to schedule regular massages now. Which shouldn't be hard, considering lately she seems to spend every moment she's not at work at MY house. Weird.

Anyway, I was then able to procure a human volunteer for massage practice, which was GREAT!

Turns out, massaging humans is EXHAUSTING! First of all, they're HUGE! When Wendy first suggested to me that I do the Chinese massage thing where you walk on people's backs, I thought she was kidding, but since I have to walk on them to get to all the different places to massage anyway, I figure I might as well make it part of the massage. Perhaps tap dance lessons are in order?

Anyway, it's been just wonderful, and I'm told I have pretty good technique. I'll be looking for more volunteers, so if you're up for a rabbit massage, just let me know!

Off to get Voltaire all packed up and ready to go over to Mandi's house. Aunt Esther isn't coming until Thursday the 27th, but this way I can vacuum all the dog fur off the couch and everything. Esther hates dogs a LOT, and it's really nice of Mandi to dogsit Voltaire so he's out of the house while she's here. I think he'll have a great time playing with Taylor and Murphy, Mandi's dogs, too. It'll be like a little doggie vacation for Voltaire! Should be great!

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