Sunday, July 23, 2006

Gage's Renaissance Adventure - Part 1

Kumo stayed over again, only this time she took over my bed, and had actually brought pjs with her. Weird. I don't really understand what's up, but she seems really happy over here, so I guess it's okay. I slept on the couch, which is where I sleep often enough anyway. It's just easier to crash on the couch in the office when working late on the computer. Voltaire has slept on the couch with me pretty much the whole time he's been here. It was pretty weird sleeping on the couch without him last night.

Mandi's house is in the exact OPPOSITE direction of the Renaissance Festival, so we didn't get a chance to go see Voltaire on our way down. But I did call Mandi, and she said he's doing fine. Mostly hanging out under her couch, which is a little weird, but she figures he's just homesick. It's only one more week. I'm sure he'll hang in there.

Anyway, over coffee this morning, Kumo and I were discussing the Renaissance Festival.

Me: So we're off to the Renaissance Festival.

K: OH! I didn't bring my costume!

Me: Um, I meant we - Wendy and I, "we". You're not going.

K: Not having my costume isn't that big a deal. I'll just go as a civilian.

Me: It isn't the costume, Kumo. You're not going.

K: Why?!?!?

Me: Because I'm not getting thrown out of another RenFest with you.

K: (Harumph) crack one guy's sternum....

Me: He was a PERFORMER! In the middle of a JOUST!

K: As if it's my fault he was a crappy fighter.

Me: He WASN'T a fighter, Kumo!

K: Yeah, no kidding. His technique sucked. He got his ass kicked by a rabbit. I'LL say he wasn't a fighter.

I finally gave up trying to explain this to Kumo, and just got ready. Before I knew it, we were on our way to beautiful Larkspur, Colorado! Kumo still didn't get it, but did wave goodbye to us as we left.

Our house isn't very far from the RenFest site, and I was so excited it seemed like it took no time at all to get there. Beautiful countryside went by (we went the back route) and before I knew it we were at the front gate!

We wandered in, and got lots of cool pictures.

Right now, I really should be doing my phyisology homework for tomorrow. But after that, I'll come back and post some of the pictures. Either tonight or tomorrow morning. Promise!

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