Friday, July 28, 2006

Girls Go Wild

Oh My.

So, about 7 p.m., people started showing up for this party. Kumo dealt with letting everyone in, and since the other person arranging this shindig was Becky (the bride) 's sister, Laci, who has been fairly... aggressive, in trying to get involved with me, I was just as happy to hide out. I thought it'd just be me and Voltaire hanging out in the office. But Kumo swiped my dog, explaining that since Voltaire is a girl, she's invited.


Anyway, at about 8 p.m. the party was going full tilt and there was a knock at the door. I answered and found myself facing an officer of the law.

I told him "Sorry, officer. I'll tell them to keep it down." and he said "No, man. I'm the stripper." Staring at the roll of belly protruding from his uniform shirt my immediate thought was "You're kidding," but I let him in and showed him where the girls were holed up.

Laci met us at the door . And it became obvious from her demeanor that it was THAT kind of party. I wished the stripper luck, and left him to the girls.

The stripper left about an hour ago, and now they're downstairs eating ice cream. It sounds like they had fun. And I guess I'm glad. I'm not anxious to see what they've done to that room, though. I'm afraid to look.

But I might sneak down and have some ice cream myself after they're gone. :)

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