Sunday, August 9, 2009

Comic Con 2 (Wednesday) - We Arrive!

First, I really need to apologize for how long it took me to get this 2nd Comic Con update posted. My laptop had been hijacked by a ninja.

Kumo discovered that Netflix has Kung Fu movies available in the "watch instantly" category and immediately swiped my laptop for lots of Kung Fu watching.

When I suggested that _I_ might need to use my laptop, she suggested that SHE might need to practice all the new ninja moves she was learning from the movies. And so I did not use my laptop.

I might still be trying to figure out how to do this update had it not been for the brilliant intervention of Kirkachu.

Kirkachu brought over much of his private stash of martial arts movies, and Wendy set Kumo up to watch DVDs on her laptop (which is like a huge screen TV for Kumo). And so I have my laptop back. Which is great. Even if I'm probably not going to be able to get into my library for the next few months. Ah well.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, we arrived!

Upon landing, we figured out where we needed to go to catch the shuttle that was taking us to our hotel. I navigated, of course.

Once we got outside I noticed two things: 1) palm trees EVERYWHERE and 2) my tail frizzes in humidity.

At least the palm tree part was nice.

Apparently the whole city of San Diego was ready for Comic Con. Our shuttle was even labeled for it.

There are lots of things about San Diego that don't look like home. Like all the boats. Well, and the ocean, of course.

The houses were different too, though. All built up in layers on the hill. Cute.

But, some things look the same no matter where you are.

So, here's a travel tip. Good idea - arriving quite a bit earlier than the convention starts so you can get settled, get a shower and then go pick up your badges. Bad idea - arriving quite a bit earlier than your hotel check in time.

And so, we settled into Denny's for a few hours to have some lunch and wait.

Greetings from San Diego!

Kirkachu and I picked up a card game called Pictureka! But neither of us knew how to play it. So we went over the rules while waiting for food.

Mmmm, burger.

What? I was hungry.

The game was pretty fun, but competition got pretty heated between the Kirkachu and I.

For instance, when the card said "A noisy thing" and he picked a rocket in space, I had to call him on it. There is no sound in space. Seriously, has this guy never seen 2001?

After a few games of Pictureka we headed back to the hotel to wait in the lobby.

Taking in some of the brochures about local attractions, I found myself a little disturbed by a map labeled with "Maps are not to scale or accurate." So the point of an inaccurate map would be...?

Kirkachu caught a quick Kirknap in the lobby. I woke him up when our room was ready and we could finally check in.

I grabbed a quick shower and we were ready to head to the convention for preview night!

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