Friday, February 16, 2007

Gamer Bunny at Genghis Con - Pt 1

Wendy and I agreed to work for TML Mailworkes selling chain mail at Genghis Con again. And today was the first day.

The last convention I went to, we were set up next to the nifty t-shirt people. Which was great, and I got Wendy a great shirt from them last time. This time we ended up next to what promises to be my next addiction....

I started taking things in while Wendy and Tom straightened and got everything all settled in for the convention.

Games and stuff across from us.

Dragons and stuff behind us.

Chain mail all looks in order to me.

More games and stuff to the left of us.

But to the right....

There are big banners, and a guy named Simon, advertising something called Rezolution.

It has really spiffy little figure guys.

And lots of spiffy figure options (I love painting figures. I know, I haven't said this to anyone on the blog before. But I really do. Even without opposable thumbs. Go figure.)

Simon offers free demos of the game... and I took him up on it! (And to his credit, he was completely unfazed about playing against a rabbit. I like this guy already.)

The system was quick to play, and a lot of FUN.

We discussed the book. He told me about the con special he was offering.

And he gave me a free copy of the quick start rules.

As I read over them, I watched a couple of other guys play demo games against Simon, and even though he DESIGNED the game, he didn't always win. Which I thought was awesome. There's skill to it, but chance also, and some strategy. And PAINTING! You get to paint the little figure guys, and there's lots of ways to customize and it sounds like my kind of game!

A pretty young lady wandered up to the Rezolution table, and wandered around behind Simon and sat down. She looked bored, and not being one to allow pretty young women to be bored, I of course, said "hi" to her.

Even though she was wearing leopard spots, she wasn't especially fierce, or inclined to eat bunnies. She said her name was Elizabeth, and that she quite liked bunnies, which is good. She's a friend of Simon's, and I found myself thinking "Wow, then maybe _I_ have a chance with her!"

Wendy pointed out later that she's from out of town, so I probably really DON'T have a chance with her, but she said it was a good sign that I was thinking about dating again after getting dumped by Rabbit. And maybe it is. Who knows.

Anyway, I talked to Elizabeth for a while, and upon returning to the TML Mailworkes booth, I told Wendy I am SO buying this game. She said "Really? You're going to play a miniatures game?" and I said "Well, I WAS going to spend my money on this sexy chain mail halter for you, but...." and strangely enough, she said go ahead and buy the game. (shrug)


So tomorrow, I'm taking Simon up on his convention special, which rocks. Wendy said this means I'll be worthless as sales help, since she expects I'll be behind the table reading all day. And she might be right. But considering she's going to be my primary opponent she'd better find herself some time to study up too. And tomorrow, I'll be keeping the Snuffles High Priest entertained at the convention, since he'll be coming for his chain mail fitting. So I think that right there counts as some serious customer service. Yes indeedy!

More tomorrow!

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